Les Cartes Vitales

Cartes Vitales est un mouvement solidaire initié par Clémence Burgot et Adrien Salamon. Pour cette deuxième édition, Cartes Vitales s’allie avec Pop Carte pour proposer les cartes des 6 femmes artistes réunies bénévolement. Ils reverseront 50% du montant des ventes à la Fondation des Femmes, qui lutte dans toute la France contre violences faites aux femmes et faire avancer l’égalité femmes-hommes. 
Cartes Vitales is a French solidarity movement initiated by Clémence Burgot and Adrien Salamon. For this second edition, Les Cartes Vitales are working with Pop Carte on 6 illustrated post cards, from six French female artists. 50% of the sales will be sent to the Fondation des Femmes, a French association fighting violence against women and promoting gender equality in the country.

Alice Des

Cartes Vitales

  • Customer

    Cartes Vitales, Pop Carte

  • Year


  • Roles


  • Tools


  • Themes

    Activism, Actuality, Art, Woman

  • Medias

    Stationery, Print

  • Team

    DA : Clémence Burgot, Adrien Salamon

Alice Des

Although Alice Des' style, with its assertive line, contrasting colors, generous silhouettes with slim waist and embossed hair, may refer to the retro style of the 1950s, Alice Des' woman is far from being the docile housewife confined to the well-being of her husband and children. She is charismatic, beautiful, willful, the master of her femininity and her life. Besides, Alice does not deny in any way her commitment to feminist topics, which allow her, by using all the media at her disposal, to be in tune with her generation.

Publications and awards



Arte, Les Echos, Marie France, Clit Revolution (FranceTV Slash), Osez Le Féminisme, Le Chocolat Des Français

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