Illustration et design du maillot 2023 de la boutique Nîmoise Morgan Cycles. Nemausus est un maillot hommage à la maison carrée fraîchement nommée au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
Librement inspiré des codes de la ville et du batiment historique, ce maillot propose une lecture contemporaine de l'histoire antique de Nîmes.

Pierre Arsène Maurice

Morgan Cycles & Cargos - NEMAVSVS

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    Morgan Cycles

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    Fashion, Sport

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    Photo : Julien VADEAU et Thomas HEYDON

Pierre Arsène Maurice

Pierre Arsène Maurice is an illustrator from the East of France currently based in Montreuil. Drawn with full enthusiasm and a sense of naivety, Pierre’s work features elastic, sometimes burlesque, figures with long and thin fingers, outsized noses and ears, taking us into both the poetic everyday life scenes and a fantastic universe with almost psychedelic overtones.

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